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Active Southern WV: 2023-2024 Work@Health® Capacity Building Grants
To increase access to healthy food, physical activity and other strategies to improve employee wellness

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Active Southern West Virginia, along with WV Health Promotion and Chronic Disease, is funding workplaces across West Virginia to increase access to healthy food, physical activity and other strategies to improve employee wellness. These grants are $1,500 per workplace. Workplaces must also have at least 1 Work@Health® certified employee, or enroll one employee to complete the certification as part of your grant application. To learn more click here.


Application guidelines

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis that will be reviewed as they are received. Only one application per workplace will be considered. Grants are competitive. Each application will be objectively ranked by a selection committee using this scoring rubric.

Grants cannot be used to fund:

  • Activities taking place at school during the school day

  • One-time events that are not aligned with long-term programming

  • Clinical care

  • Furniture (this does not include office workout equipment)

  • Political purposes

  • Publicity or propaganda



More about Active Southern WV

Mission: Active Southern West Virginia is a non-profit providing an ecosystem of physical activity for the residents of southern West Virginia, by offering programs led by trained volunteers from within the communities they serve. By removing barriers, individuals are empowered to manage their own health in underserved coal-impacted communities, resulting in a healthier workforce. 


Vision: Active Southern West Vriginia seeks for everyone to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. Populations are targeted who face the greatest economic and social barriers. Improving health outcomes through behavioral change will strengthen community and economic development.

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Applications Must Demonstrate the Following


  • Incorporate at least three Policy, System, or Environment changes over the course of the grant period.

  • Utilize health equity considerations in your project to help reduce health disparities.

  • Provide information on how you plan to ensure the sustainability of your efforts.

  • Clear budget narrative. 

Grant Contact Information

Melanie Seiler​

Executive Director


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